It is that time of year again, time to reflect on the year that has passed and look forward to the year ahead. As with many years 2024 has been a mixed bag, some good stuff, and some not so good stuff. I did not make any goals at the start of 2024, but I am going to fix that for 2025.
Goals for 2025
Blog Posts
More Learning
Drink More Water and Do More Walks
Attend Conferences and User Groups
Blog Posts
For most of the year, I have not been writing blog posts. However, the Scottish Summit conference reignited my blogging spark, and I have written seven posts since then. My goal is to write one post a week. I am sure I will miss the odd week, but the important thing is not to miss two in a row.
More Learning
Being a developer is a constant journey of learning, and I have not done enough of that this year. During December, I completed a few challenges from Advent of Code, and I hope to do more of them. I have also discovered Exercism and started working through the C# track. I am sure there will be more opportunities to learn new things in 2025.
2024 took an unusual turn. In June, I walked a half marathon across the Peak District, and since then, I have been doing lots of walks. Walking is good for my physical and mental health, so I intend to do more of it in 2025. I have a 5k scheduled for January, which should be lots of fun as it is around the wildlife park. On the same topic, I want to drink more water. Not sure how I am going to accomplish this as I am easily distracted by the current developer problem, instead of thinking about my health.
Conferences and User Groups
I want to attend a conference or user group once a month in 2025. Conferences and user groups are great places to meet people, learn new things, and be encouraged by the community. I have signed up as a volunteer for NDC London in January, and DDD North is back in February. I am sure I will be able to fill the other months with events soon enough as well.
What Happened in 2024
I did something in 2024 that I thought I would never do. I signed up for a half marathon hike across the Peak District for charity. This was an amazing achievement for me, involving lots of training walks and raising over £600 for charity.
My attendance at conferences and user groups has been a bit light this year. However, I did attend the Scottish Summit in October, which rekindled my blogging. I also attended DDD North with a couple of my work colleagues, which was great as usual.
Family life has kept me busy this year and has been my focus for much of the year. Next year, I want the focus to shift more to my work and career. I attended a couple of code club sessions with my eldest son, and it was great to see his skills develop. Like me, he wanted to help others with the coding exercise.